VietVang Standard

None IT

1. Document   1.1. Word   1.1.1. Know how to create a Table of Contents  
1.1.2. Know how to create Header – Footer  
1.1.3. Know how to number Pages  
1.1.4. Know how to use Page Break, Session Break  
1.1.5. Know how to create a Table  
1.1.6. Know how to set up the header of a table to be repeated when the table is long to another page.  
1.1.7. Know how to insert images (images lie with text (inline), images lie on top of text)  
1.1.8. Know how to print and format printed pages, rotate horizontally and vertically on printed paper appropriately.  
1.1.9. Know how to print to pdf or print 2 or more pages on 1 printed page  
1.1.10. Know how to set up a new printer x
1.2. Excel 1.2.1. Use basic functions such as Sum, Average  
1.2.2. Use Macros x
1.2.3. Use MacroaUse Pivot Table to analyze data x
1.2.4. Know how to print and format printed pages, rotate horizontally and vertically on printed paper appropriately.  
1.2.5. Know how to print to pdf or print 2 or more pages on 1 printed page   
1.2.6. Know how to set a number of lines as headers for each printed page when you want to repeat those lines on different printed pages.  
1.2.7. Know how to set up a new printer x
2. Teamwork 2.1. Send mail 2.1.1. Know how to present a reasonable Email to report to superiors or send to customers (Title, greeting, main body, conclusion, signature)  
2.1.2. Know the difference between CC and BCC, and know when to BCC.  
2.2. joint work 2.2.1. Know how to support other colleagues in the company with professional or non-professional matters  
2.3. Dress 2.3.1. Wear comfortable clothes but ensure strict politeness. When working with customers, dress politely (trousers, shirt and shoes) or wear a suit if necessary.  
2.4. Hours 2.4.1. Go to work on time, have a problem to take leave depending on the time reported according to the company’s regulations.  
3. Report   3.1. Daily work report, weekly work report  
3.2. Set specific goals for yourself in each stage of work  
4. Khách hàng 4.1. Answering the phone 4.1.1. The company’s greeting when answering the phone from a customer calling the landline  
4.1.2. Know how to ask the name of the Guest, the name of the company, the phone number when it is necessary to notify the colleague if the colleague is absent.  
4.2. Visit the company 4.2.1. Welcome customers to visit the company and see the software demo  
4.3. Work exchange 4.3.1. Nói chuyện lịch sự rõ ràng với khách hàng  



1. Cơ bản 1.1. Git 1.1.1. Know how to create Git.  
1.1.2. Know how to create and use Private Key and Public Key.  
1.1.3. .Know how to Clone source from Git.  
1.1.4. Know how to create your own Branch to code.  
1.1.5. Know and understand the principle of operation and use of Fetch, Pull, Merge and Commit code.  
1.1.6. Know how to use Git through Comand Line and supporting tools (Source Tree, Web, Smart Git.v.v.).  
1.1.7. Know how to use Merge Request to request Merge code into the main branch. x
1.1.8. Know how to Tash to save your work and handle situations when you lose your code or your colleagues lose their code because of you.  
1.1.9. Know how to check and fix conflicts x
1.2. SVN 1.2.1. Know how to create SVN.  
1.2.2. Know how to Checkout, Update, Commit.  
1.2.3. Know the rules before Update or Commit. x
1.2.4. Know how to deal with Conflict or loss of code.  
1.3. Database 1.3.1. Know how to use Insert, Update, Delete, Truncate, Join queries  
1.3.2. Know Back Up/Restore database.  
1.3.3. Know how to use Trigger.  
1.3.4. Know how to use Transaction. x
1.3.5. Know how to use Stored Procedure. x
1.3.6. Know how to use View x
1.3.7. Know the process of operating on the database:

+ Back up all old databases.

+ Check if the query or operation you intend to perform has any effect on the old databases.

+ Check the exact database to be manipulated, avoid manipulating the wrong database.

+ General check after performing the operation.

+ If there is an error, then Restore the old database, Ok, the process ends.

1.3.8. Know how to use database management tools (SQL Server Management, Workbench, Sqlyog, …)  
1.4. Mạng 1.4.1. Know the concepts of IP, Port, VPN, DNS.  
1.4.2. Know the concept of Global and Local networks  
1.5. Bảo mật 1.5.1. Know what SQL Injection is and how to prevent it.  
1.5.2. Know how to use SQL Injection testing tool (, …)  
1.5.3. Know what Cross Site Scripting is and how to prevent it.  
1.6. Hack    
1.7. Wiki 1.7.1. Know how to create articles and update articles.  
1.8. WinSCP 1.8.1. Protocol, host, port, user  
1.8.2. SSH, add private key  
1.9. IDE (Notepad++ là bắt buộc, các IDE khác là tùy chọn phụ thuộc vào chọn làm web hay làm app và ngôn ngữ lập trình) 1.9.1. Know how to use Notepad++  
1.9.2. Know how to use Visual Studio for coding and debugging.  
1.9.3. Know how to use sublimtext or Visual Studio Code for coding and debugging.  
1.9.4. Know how to use Android Studio for coding and debugging..  
1.9.5. Know how to use Xcode for coding and debugging.  
1.10. Khác 1.10.1. Code needs explanatory comments.  
1.10.2. Need to know how to automatically format code according to supported IDE tools (Visual Studio, Android Studio, XCode, Sublime Text, etc.).  
2. Web 2.1. Front End 2.1.1. Know how to use html element tags  
2.1.2. Know Css, reset css  
2.1.3. Know the structure of Grid systems  
2.1.4. Know CSS Floating and Clearfix  
2.1.5. Know Responsive, test responsive  
2.1.6. Know how to use font awesome  
2.1.7. Know how to use html, css, js according to w3c standard  
2.1.8. Know how to use Framework: Bootstrap, …  
2.1.9. Know javascript, Jquery  
2.1.10. Know how to use PTS and AI to cut html and css from design files  
2.1.11. Know UX, UI x
2.1.12. Know how to design wireframes  
2.1.13. Know css preprocessor : less, sass x
2.2. Back End 2.2.1. Know how to handle Array, Object, String  
2.2.2. Know OOP, MVC  
2.2.3. Know how to test using Debug  
2.2.4. Know Node js / express x
2.2.5. Know how to use Laravel, Codeigniter

+ Know how to use routers, controllers, models, views, repositories

+ Know how to use validate

+ Know how to use Packages

2.2.6. Know WordPress

+ Know how to create themes and widgets

+ Know how to set language

+ Know how to use wp_query

+ Know how to use functions, hooks, actions, etc. .

+ Know how to use custom fields and metaboxes

+ Know how to create plugins

2.2.7. Know RESTful API x
2.2.8. Know how to use .htaccess  
2.2.9. Know how to use Regular Expressions  
3. App 3.1. PC (C#) 3.1.1. Know OOP, MVC.  
3.1.2. Know how to create and use Interface, Abstract Class, Class and Object.  
3.1.3. Know how to use the keywords Public, Protected, Private and Static.  
3.1.4. Know the difference between Null and Empty and how to check these values in each case.  
3.1.5. Know how to use Table Layout to design self-scaling screens. x
3.1.6. Know how to use Regular Expression to support error detection (email, password rules, etc.).  
3.1.7. Know how to use app.config and web.config.  
3.1.8. Know how to customize Microsoft’s available components or find external libraries to use. x
3.1.9. Know about Newtonsoft.Json library to manipulate json data.  
3.1.10. Know how to use Setup Project to build .msi installation files.  
3.1.11. Know ASP.NET MVC  
3.2. Android 3.2.1. Know how to useTheme in Android.  
3.2.2. Know how to handle events on Android’s Back button.  
3.2.3. Know the available Android versions, the differences, and which versions the software will support.  
3.2.4. Know how to use properties in AndroidManifest.xml (theme, permissions, vertical/horizontal screen. etc.).  
3.2.5. Know how to use Activities and Fragments.  
3.2.6. Know the difference and lifecycle of Activity and Fragment.  
3.2.7. Know how to call and use events in lifecycle.  
3.2.8. Know how to use Bottom Navigation Bar ,Navigation Drawer and Tabs.  
3.2.9. Know how to create and use Custom Layout. x
3.2.10. Know how to use Auto Size Text to manually adjust text size. x
3.2.11. Know how to access Android’s Internal API through reflection x
3.2.12. Know how to create signed APK and unsigned APK. x
3.3. iOS 3.3.1. Know how to make UI for the app with Storyboard file and link control with logic code.  
3.3.2. Know how to configure properties on controls using Xcode.  
3.3.3. Know auto layout for display on all available Apple screens.  
3.3.4. Know how to use Pod to add 3rd libraries. x
3.3.5. Know how to call Objective C functions from Swift. x
3.3.6. Know how to handle local data on the app.  
3.3.7. Know how to call the api and handle the returned data.  
3.3.8. Know how to debug on Xcode.  
3.3.9. Know how to make unittest up and running on xcode. x
3.3.10. Know how to build adhoc files. x
3.3.11. Know how to build files to Testlight and add users to join the test group. x
3.3.12. Know how to check whether an iOS app meets Apple’s basic release requirements. x
3.3.13. Know how to perform installation operations on Apple’s developer site. x
3.3.14. Know how to release app to AppStore. x
4. Test   4.1. Requirenment analysis – Requirements analysis  
4.2. Test planning – Test planning  
4.3. Test case development – Design test scenarios  
4.4. Test environment set up – Set up testing environment  
4.5. Know how to report bugs, follow the change requirements of the project  
4.6. Know how to use some tools to support automated testing selenium, jmeter x
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