Android (English)

Transactions on assets and handover

When there is a transaction related to the property or handover, there must be written [...]

Sign documents

Currently, there are many cases of losing money and property due to signing documents without [...]

Extension of temporary residence for foreigners

Steps to register temporary residence for foreigners working in Vietnam. Step 1: Prepare necessary documents [...]

Install linux server

Read errors during installation to find out exactly. For example, when installing a website, [...]

Font on multiple browsers

Maybe a website  runs well on Google but not necessarily on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari… [...]

Adjust interface for Iphone screens

When writing an iOS App, initially we only adjust it on a specific device, then [...]

Release App on the App Store

When releasing an App, it often takes a lot of time and is rejected many [...]

How to use Font-face for the web

Declare @Font-face Declare @font-face at the top of the css file, specifying the path to [...]

Fix bugs in the morning. Maintain good health to work effectively

If you have a problem that is difficult to solve, it is better to solve [...]

Avoid error: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by

When using redirect functions such as header(‘Location:’) or built-in WordPress functions such as wp_redirect, [...]