
70% of project management work is finished before the development phase. En

Whether the business of creating an App, web or developing a system succeeds or fails, [...]

Divide risks and hazards according to level of impact and probability of occurrence

In risk treatment measures, we find cases where we can devise measures to simultaneously deal [...]

Do Review Source code in the early stages of development

In Vietnam, where there are many young engineers, there are many cases of development without [...]

About evaluating a software

For software manufacturing companies, if you want to objectively evaluate whether the software you write [...]

Process periodic measurement data in large quantities

In the Animal Observation project, we have to process (graph) an extremely large amount of [...]

SEO Optimization

In the past, Google also considered Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions when calculating rankings for [...]

When is it not required to withhold PIT? (commitment form 02)

For employees signing seasonal contracts of less than 3 months, the enterprise pays if: + [...]

VietVang Standard

None IT       Advanced 1. Document   1.1. Word   1.1.1. Know how to create [...]

Thuật ngữ chuyên ngành IT tiếng Nhật En

Trong quá trình thực hiện các dự án IT với khách hàng Nhật, cũng như [...]

Công văn 404/TCT-CS hướng dẫn cụ thể về chính sách thuế GTGT đối với dịch vụ phần mềm. En

Khái niệm “dịch vụ phần mềm” Căn cứ vào khoản 10, Điều 3, Nghị định [...]